The Global Emerging Leadership Program(s) (GELP) values lifelong learning as a fundamental principle to leadership development and personal growth.
Global Emerging Leadership Programs (GELP) is a social enterprise aimed at developing leadership programs for students and young professionals. GELP provides professional guidance to students seeking their next post-secondary and career experience. GELP’s goal is to promote leadership development and to equip global leaders with the tools to create change and impact within their communities.
GELP provides relevant skill based learning and experiences that challenge our next generation to discover themselves in their reflective journey to identify their next career or step.
GELP was founded with the understanding of the importance of career development and skill-based learning. We are in a society that is undergoing consistent transitions as we embark on a post-pandemic era with unprecedented demographic shifts, economic changes and technological advances. New skills must be developed to adapt to these changes and as a result we are now witnessing the emergence of new careers. GELP aims to support the continuous development of lifelong skills for our workforce.The GELP Team was invited to participate in a series of leadership workshops and presentations to students, faculty and staff all across South India in March 2020.